Ethan’s First Fireworks

The Fireman’s Parade ended where we were seated about 8:30 pm. We packed up the stroller and returned home.

By that time, Ethan was ready to go to bed. We followed our evening routine (getting Ethan dressed for bed, reading a Bible story, praying with Ethan while he drinks milk from his sippy cup). Tonight was my turn to give Ethan his milk and put him in bed, and just about the time I returned downstairs, the fireworks began at the Clearfield County fairgrounds behind our house.

Joleen and I headed outside to watch the fireworks (with the baby monitor nearby). Because of the loud noise, Joleen went to check on Ethan, who was standing in his crib quietly, at that point. She brought him outside where I was taking photos of the fireworks.

Standing outside, the fireworks were a bit too intense for Ethan so he and Mommy returned to Ethan’s bedroom where they finished watching the fireworks from the upstairs window in Ethan’s room. He soon went back to sleep, thankfully!

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