March is a big month for college basketball fans. Locally, the madness will include playing for a great cause. On Saturday (3/31), area youth in grades 6-12 will join together for an evening of sports activity in order to raise money for Nothing But Nets. The event will take place at the Juniata Valley High School gym (pending school board approval), 7:00-10:00 pm.
The United Methodist Church was invited to be one of five founding partners of the campaign, along with NBA Cares, Sports Illustrated, Mark J. Gordon Foundation, and United Nations Foundation.
We need nets! Not hoop nets, soccer nets or lacrosse nets. Not New Jersey Nets or dot-nets or clarinets. We need mosquito nets. Nearly 3,000 kids die each day in Africa from malaria. According to the World Health Organization, transmission of the disease would be reduced by 60% with the use of mosquito nets and prompt treatment for the infected. It costs $10 to ship and install an insecticide-coated net.
Area youth are raising funds for the 3/31 event, asking friends and family members to make a donation to help save lives!
I am writing from Nothing But Nets. Your fundraising event sounds really exciting! Could you email me at [email protected] to discuss your event? We would would love to know more about Nothing But Net events!