There’s a line drawn down the middle of the room. Step up to the line if you ever …*
- Heard God call, but hurried on with “life”.
- Spent more time in prayer asking God for things than asking God what He wanted for you or your loved one.
- Put up walls to keep others (and God) out.
- Forgot to say “thank you.”
- Were tempted to go out and get what the Jones’s have, even if you didn’t need it and couldn’t afford it.
- Thought of self, before thinking of others.
- Hurt somebody.
- Ran away from the very thing needed most.
There’s an altar. Come kneel before your God in humble submission.
- Here I am. I wait.
- I’m listening.
- Heal the hurt.
- Thank you.
- All I have belongs to You.
- Here is my neighbor; I love as I love myself.
- I’m sorry.
- Here I am.
Hear God’s response: You are forgiven.*This is the concept of the “Line Game” introduced in the movie, Freedom Writers, which we wrote about recently.