If Baby Willis Could Speak

If Baby Willis Could Speak
If Baby Willis Could Speak
Ever since we received the photos of Baby Willis we’ve had this image in our minds. And even before the referral, this message from the future Baby Willis has been a big motivation for us this year.

What a year it has been! We went to Asbury in January 2007 to take a dissertation-writing class to begin the dissertation process. Also in January we mailed our formal application to officially begin the adoption process. (How crazy is that?!)

Amazingly, it seems that the two processes have paralleled each other throughout the 9 months that have followed. When we had to complete a stack of paperwork for adoption, we’d have a little breather from our dissertation work. When the paperwork was done, it was time to jump back into dissertation-writing. Looking back, we couldn’t have planned it that way ourselves! God has been good!

But it’s not over. We’re still moving forward and we have a lot to do in the next few months. Today, we completed the last major stack of paperwork that makes our acceptance of Baby Willis official. Now it’s just a matter of waiting (till around February, plus or minus a few weeks).

As we wait, we must really focus on the last leg of our dissertation work. We have 1) some revisions to do in the next week or so, 2) begin work on our field research, 3) process/analyze the field research, and 4) write the final two chapters. After that it should just be a matter of polishing and refining our writing in preparation for early spring defenses (possibly after returning from Korea). Get your dissertations done! (Baby Willis)

Among other things, we look forward to taking Baby Willis (we’ve gotta come up with a new name!) with us to Wilmore, KY for our graduation in May 2008 as we celebrate the completion of one part of our journey and the beginning of a new part!

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