One of my favorite musical artists these days is Sara Groves. I discovered her through the movie, The Ultimate Gift, which I wrote about here. I also included one of her recent songs, “When the Saints,” in my collection of Songs for Leaders.
Also included on her latest recording is a song called “Song for My Sons.” You can download it from for $0.99 or listen to a preview of the song. To find song lyrics online, I usually Google the song title and the word “lyrics.” Here’s one result for lyrics to “Song for My Sons.”
Having just brought Ethan home, this song has grabbed my attention. I encourage you to read the lyrics yourself, but some of my favorite lines are …
I can’t say your life will always go like it should
but I can say that God is always good
There’s probably not anything better to teach children than, “God is always good,” through your words AND actions.
This is a song from my heart a small refrain to hold you
for times when we’re apart and I cannot console you
Be honest with yourself and don’t forget to pray
and read your bible everyday
And through the chorus, Sara challenges her sons …
and when the cold wind blows like I know it will
and when you feel alone like I know you will
and when the cold wind blows like I know it willDon’t let your love grow
Don’t let your love grow
Don’t let your love grow cold
None of us can control the things that happen to us. But we always get to choose how we respond. When the cold wind blows, don’t let your love grow cold. Instead, rest in knowing that God is always good!