Look who’s the newest member of the Manor Hill United Methodist Men (UMMen)!
Wednesday evening, Ethan and I visited the 42nd annual building of picnic tables. They made 93 tables this year. The 6-foot tables were sold out before they were ever made! However, there are 8-foot tables for $110 and 10-foot table for $120.
Call 814-643-0779, 814-667-3484, or 814-667-2485 if you’re interested in purchasing a table. Be sure to bring a truck or trailer and help to load your table.
Also, the UMMen were glad to have Katie home from college to lend a hand.
Thanks to Patty Stever for sending us these photos.
He looks sooooo cute in that pic. Evin is walking with the help on someone behind him, but Steven is sticking to crawling.