I Want to Change the World!

Tonight, as I rushed out of COR’s sanctuary at the conclusion of Leadership Institute, I found myself having a familiar conversation with God …

I want to change the world!

That conversation was reawakened in me at a Chris Tomlin concert last year in State College.

Well, since it’s late and we have to get up in 4 hours to head to the airport, I’ll make this quick.

You can’t be at the Church of the Resurrection and not get a sense of the impact they’ve had on their city. COR, started by Adam Hamilton in 1990, currently has 9,000 people who attend services/ministries each weekend, and there are many incredible ministries that take place there.

As I’ve said before, we’ll need to take some time to process what we’ve heard and find ways to implement what we’ve learned in our lives and ministries. But for now, I’ll just share a couple quick things …

First, the worship experiences have been amazing — the music, the words, and the multimedia. It’s been quite emotional. In fact, I could hardly even sing this morning due to the intensity. It’s always intense to gather with so many people, particularly leaders, who love God and want to make a difference in the world.

Second, the closing worship and prayer time tonight was incredible. We sang about being the light of the world as more than 1,600 of us from 500 different churches representing 200,000 people held lit candles in the once darkened room displaying our desire and our prayer to change the world.

May God indeed empower those of us who’ve gathered here this week in Kansas City to change the world through transformed local congregations!

More later after we’ve had a chance to process what God is saying to us in Kansas City. But first, a few closing thoughts …

We’ve enjoyed traveling with colleagues and friends from our conference to this event in Kansas City, ad spending time with them. We’re new to the district, so it’s been an opportunity to meet and/or get to know some people better.

And, finally, Joleen and I look forward to seeing, holding, and reconnecting with Ethan in 12 or so hours from now!

2 thoughts on “I Want to Change the World!”

  1. I couldn’t help but be excited about what you and Joleen have experienced. How wonderful that you both serve in the same community and can have a double impact on this corner of the world. I almost feel that you both need a day away to now hear from God as to how he would have you apply what you have learned.

  2. Thanks, Nancy. I think you’re right. 🙂

    The district office is going to pick up a couple copies of the DVDs from the Leadership Institute, so I/we will try to show parts of the 3-4 main sessions, at some point in the future.


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