You Write the Words!

While listening to music by FFH yesterday, I was especially struck by their song, “You Write the Words.”

The song describes a songwriter’s struggle to write something new and fresh, something that would stand the test of time. The songwriter notes that songs like “Amazing Grace” and the “Hallelujah Chorus” have already been written.

But the song also includes a prayer …

So here’s my song, You write the words. Here’s my heart, You write the words.

It’s a good prayer for songwriters. It’s a good prayer for Christ-followers, who want God to use their lives in the world in any area. And it’s also a good prayer for preachers, which is the area of prayer the song has become for me.

Sometimes, I wonder what to say that hasn’t already been said, something that will impact a life in a meaningful way. But my hope is always that God will write the words, that God will create and generate the content, content that will somehow lead to life transformation in the lives of the people I have the awesome privilege of speaking to, week in and week out!

O God, here’s my heart. You write the words!

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