Last Thursday, I met with a group of pastors who are in the Matthew 28 Initiative. We’ve been meeting monthly since January. Each month, a District Superintendent leads a discussion on an assigned book. After lunch, one of the pastors from the group leads a time of spiritual formation. It was my turn this month and my spiritual formation time had a leadership focus.
This month, we ate lunch together at a local Chinese restaurant. At the end of lunch, the people at my table shared their fortune cookie messages. I said I’d save mine for the spiritual formation time. Ironically, the message in my cookie had a nice (and timely) leadership spin …
If you’re riding ahead of the herd, look back once in a while to make sure it’s still there.
I love this statement. There is no leadership without followers. If no one’s behind you, you’re not leading!
Randy Willis
Follower of Jesus. Husband to Joleen. Dad to Ethan & Sarah. Pastor to Wehnwood UMC.