5 Ways Leaders Help Others Avoid Stagnation

Yesterday, I wrote 5 Ways Leaders Avoid Stagnation. It was a post about self-leadership, which can be some of the most challenging leadership of all!

But that got to me thinking about how leaders, and particularly, pastors, help others from becoming stagnant.

Here are 5 ways leaders help others avoid stagnation …

1. Model discipleship and growth.
I’ve heard John Maxwell say, “We teach what we know; we reproduce what we are.” If we’re not growing as disciples, and in our gifts and strengths, then those we lead won’t either. On the other hand, when we model personal and spiritual growth, others will be motivated to grow as well.

2. Pray.
Praying for others is vitally important. The work of the church is done in the context of spiritual battle. This spiritual battle cannot be won without prayer. One of the enemy’s primary strategies against the church is apathy and comfort with the status quo. Prayer helps keep leaders and followers alert and ready for battle. It keeps us awake!

3. Cast vision.
Vision inspires. It also leaks, which is why leaders must cast, and re-cast, vision over and over. Years ago, I came to terms with the fact that part of leadership is being “a broken record.”

4. Release ministry to others.
When people get involved in ministry—in sharing their faith and serving others—their faith is stretched. When your faith is stretched, you avoid becoming stagnant. You are challenged to grow.

5. Equip others for ministry.
To maintain passion in ministry, you have to keep growing. So, leaders must constantly equip people for ministry. God calls spiritual leaders “to equip God’s people for the work of serving and building up the body of Christ” (Ephesians 4.12, CEB). When leaders live out this call, people grow.

What’s missing? How do you to help others avoid stagnation?

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