The church needs a sense of urgency!
Each week, I’m posting a prayer for the Church. So far, I’ve prayed for awakening and transformational leaders. The Church also needs a sense of urgency (I wrote about urgency yesterday in Eschatological Urgency).
O God, we are your hands and feet in the world. Thank you for inviting us to participate in what you are doing in the world!
Thank you for entrusting us with the gospel—the good news of Jesus Christ. Let your message and your truth be like a fire in our bones.
Forgive us for our apathy, for taking you and your mission for granted. Help us make the most of every day and every opportunity. Help us to be committed, devoted, disciplined, and intentional.
Help us to be in tune with you so we can follow the leading of your Spirit. Give us wisdom and courage. Help us to engage the world in risk-taking mission and service.
Pour out your Holy Spirit upon us, O God, our consuming fire! Empower us to be your witnesses—your hands and feet, and a voice of hope—in the world!
As we actively, obediently engage in the mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world, give us fruit, fruit that will last! And may it all be done for your glory and your glory alone. Amen.