“Praying Circles Around Your Children”

Praying Circles Around Your Children by Mark Batterson is a great resource for parents who want to pray for their kids!

Last year, I read The Circle Maker, also by Mark Batterson. I wrote several posts about it; the last one includes links to all of the posts in the series (see 5 Takeaways From “The Circle Maker”). The book is inspired by the story of Honi the circle maker. I’m also looking forward to the upcoming release of The Circle Maker for Kids (edited to say, we love this kids’ storybook!).

Batterson says parents will naturally make a lot of mistakes. He writes, “You’ll never be a perfect parent, but you can be a praying parent.”

Prayer makes all the difference. Batterson challenges, “Make sure the heavenly Father hears about your kids daily!”

Batterson focuses on five areas: circling the promises of God, making prayer lists, creating prayer mantras, forming prayer circles, and praying through the Bible.

Batterson states …

Prayer is the way we write the future. It’s the difference between letting things happen and making things happen.

Throughout the book, Batterson offers a number of practical ways parents can pray for and pray with their children, including 10-minute devotions before school, keeping a prayer journal, writing prayers and circling promises in a copy of the Bible for each child to give to them before they go to college, as well as other examples.

It’s not just about praying for kids; it’s also about teaching kids to pray. Batterson contends …

One of the greatest responsibilities of parenthood is praying for your kids, but an even greater responsibility is teaching your kids to pray. Don’t just pray for them; pray with them. Praying for your kids is like taking them for a ride; praying with your kids is like teaching them to drive.

Praying for your children is essential. And, it has long-term effects.

Your prayers will shape the destiny of your family for generations to come.

May God help us surround our kids with prayer, and raise them up to be mighty in prayer!

How do you pray for, and pray with, your children?

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