Follow Me: Hearing the Call

Genesis 12.1-4aHebrews 11.8Matthew 4.18-22 Intro: Following in the footsteps of my father through the snow as a child. Disciple: a simple defintionA professed follower of Christ; a pupil or an adherent of another; follower. Following JesusThe game of “Follow the Leader” is a blatant game of imitation. Following Jesus is different … –    Following … Read more

Follow the Star!

Matthew 2.1-12 There were a group of Magi or wisemen, sometimes referred to as kings, but they were not kings. They were probably from the court of a king, probably the King of Persia. But these Magi were actually astrologers – they studied the stars in the sky. And one bright and unusual star foretold … Read more

Merry Christmas!

<p>A righteous and devout man, Simeon, waits for the birth of the Messiah, the Christ. He has been promised by God that he will not die until he sees the Christ. As in the passages we have looked at this Christmas/Advent season, Simeon speaks forth a hymn of praise in seeing the Christ child. He … Read more

The Wait is Over

Luke 2.8-20 The Wait of AdventChildren anticipate Christmas with a vibrant expectancy and excitement that compares to little else. Even the shyest or quietest of children cannot contain their enthusiasm at the splendor of the season, the beauty of the Christmas tree with it’s lights all aglow, and of course, the gifts they await, that … Read more

Pointing the Way to Jesus

Zechariah’s Song Benedictus (Blessing)Luke 1.68-79 IntroductionImagine, you just had your first child.Women: you just survived 14 hours of hard labor, you’re cradling your precious newborn infant, you and your husband have been trying for years to have a child and now, finally, you hold a miracle in your arms.Men: you come racing into the room … Read more

Turning the World Upside-Down

The Magnificat Luke 1.46-55 Jesus came to turn the world upside-down Mary praises because finally things are going to be set aright. God is going to turn the world upside-down. And he has already begun. She is even proof of that. As we looked at humility last week, Mary exemplifies how God looks on the … Read more


The MagnificatLuke 1.46-55 Choosing TeamsAs kids, to play softball or kickball or whatever team sport, we would choose captains and those captains would then alternate back and forth, taking turns, choosing team members. “Pick me, pick me.” Back and forth, choosing the best, the strongest, the most talented, the fastest, the most popular. No one … Read more

Jonah Goes the Wrong Way

The StoryA group of sailors are changed forever because of their encounter with Jonah, a person who was going the wrong way, a person who was running from God. This story finds a group of who are preparing to take their merchant ship to Spain, probably on an expedition of international trade. A Hebrew named … Read more