It’s a question of ownership: Whose money is it, anyway — mine or God’s? If I think it’s mine, I’m going to hang onto it and use it the way that I want to. But if I view it as God’s money, then I will be more likely to use it in ways that honor God.
Generosity. What does it mean to be generous? Why should I be generous? How do I know if I’m generous?
Let’s take a closer look at 2 Corinthians 9.1-15. Here’s why generosity is important: God blesses the world through generous people!
Paul writes that farmers who plant "only a few seeds will get a small crop," while farmers who plant "generously will get a generous crop." While some want to distort this verse for personal gain, Paul goes out of his way to say that, yes, God will give you a lot, but it’s not so that you can enjoy the harvest on your own selfish desires; it’s so that the more God gives you so that you can be even more generous. God blesses the world through generous people!
So, how generous are you? Do you enjoy enjoy giving? Is God blessing the world through you? I encourage you to pray, "Lord, thank you for blessing me! Bless the world through me!"
And as you give thanks to God for his blessings this week, I challenge you to find a way to be generous, to practice generosity. Perhaps you could help someone in need, or help one of our church’s ministries, or give a little extra in the offering next week. But whatever you do, be generous.
Imagine what this place would look like if it were full of generous people, cheerful givers. Think of the difference it would make in the surrounding community.
O God, thank you for your "unspeakable gift" in Jesus Christ. What undeserved generosity! And you continue to be generous to us in many other ways. Help us to be generous people passing on the blessings you give us, on to others in need. Bless the world through us, your generous people! Amen.
Hey, enjoying your thoughts in general on your blog and the example that Revolution is.
4 Life,
LifeCity Church Canberra