Mary’s response is arguably the most amazing response of any human being in the Scriptures. God asked her to throw away her reputation (through an "illegitimate" pregnancy). Add to this that Mary is very young, and she simply says, "I am the Lord’s servant. Let it happen as you have said." What an incredible response!
When God calls, just say yes!
When God calls you, how receptive are you to saying yes? Throughout this Advent season, I have been praying, "God, give me a healthy heart so that I will always say yes to you!"
Say yes!
Is there something God has been calling you to do and you’ve been stalling, responding more like Zechariah than Mary? Today/this week, say yes to God!
Be ready!
Maybe you haven’t sensed God’s call yet. I encourage to make yourself available to God so that when God calls, you’ll say yes!
God is creating a culture of yes men/women! We usually use those terms in a negative way, but God is looking for people who say yes to him. I can only imagine the things God will do through us when we make ourselves fully available to God!
O God, thank you for Mary’s example of someone who said yes even though the costs were extremely high! Help us to say yes whenever you call us to do something, whether big or small. Give us healthy hearts so that we will always say yes to you! Amen.