19 thoughts on “1,000 Words”

  1. God is wonderful. Wonderful to see the Three Willis
    Ethan will bring so much happiness into your home.
    He is happy to be with Mommie and Daddy.

    Prayers are with you now and always.

  2. I waited until late this evening hoping to see something about your visit (12:30am). What a WONDERFUL picture! Our God is an Awesome God! Have a safe trip home & call if you need us at the airport. Much Love.

  3. I am up with Joshua at 1:47 and thought I’d log on to see if there were any posts about your first meeting with Ethan. I love the photo! You make a wonderful family and Ethan is adorable and looks happy to finally meet his parents! Congratulations to you all!

  4. Well MOM, How does it feel? It’s great isn’t it? Worth the wait? Soon you will be home and we are all so very glad for you. Enjoy the rest of your time there and have a safe flight home. See you soon.

  5. WOW!!!!! I can’t find the words to say. CONGRATULATIONS!!! Can’t wait until you bring him home. You will find it even more surreal.
    Lots of love from the whole family!

  6. I do not know if you cried, but I did!
    How marvelous to see your family picture!
    God is Good – All the Time
    All the Time – God is Good!!

  7. i,m a little teary eyed right now.we are so happy for the 3 of you. we know that God has a great and exciting journey for your family.there will always be high times and iow times, but most of all, there will always be lots of love. each others(the 3 of you) ,and God’s unending love for all of you as a family!! we,re glad and excited to be a small part of it. can’t wait to see ya’ll.love, the trimer’s

  8. Great Picture !! I blew it up and copied it and Steve took it to the Methodist Men’s meeting tonight. Everyone is so excited and happy for the three of you. In a few hours you will have Ethan and begin your new roles as Dad, Mom and Son. God Bless.
    P.S. We miss you.

  9. Thanks, all. We’ve enjoyed reading all of your comments on the blog this week!

    I should add that ONE of the 1,000 words for this post could be “misleading.” 😉

    Yes, he looks happy in the photo. But it’s probably NOT because of US. Behind the camera, his foster mother is waving a toy.

    He did warm up to us a bit by the time this photo was taken toward the end of our hour together. We’re glad he was comfortable enough for this photo to be taken, but he’s probably not quite ready to pack up and go home with us just yet! 🙂


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