Dunkin Donuts Grand Opening

IMG_1358On Friday (our day off), we went to the grand opening of Dunkin Donuts here in Clearfield (near the new location of The Meadows). Dunkin Donuts was very busy while we were there.

After a few bites of our flatbread sandwich, Ethan ate a good bit of a glazed donut (which may explain why his afternoon nap was delayed for a few hours!).

One of the reasons we went to Dunkin Donuts on opening day (besides trying out the new location and getting a donut on our day off) was that it brought back memories of Seoul, Korea. While we didn’t eat at Dunkin Donuts while we were there (regrettably), we did eat at Dono Studio, another donut cafe (see what we wrote about it while we were in Korea in this post, including a photo of our meal there 🙂 ). We discovered while we were in Seoul that donut shops, in general, and Dunkin Donuts, in particular, are booming in Seoul.

1 thought on “Dunkin Donuts Grand Opening”

  1. Cute picture; he is enjoying what he likes most – eating!
    The news article was nice; I am so proud of all three of you and your accomplishments.
    Love ‘ya


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