Mixed Emotions

As we prepare to go to Korea, we are experiencing mixed emotions. Our emotions are mostly good — they’re a mix of anticipating the arrival of the newest member of our family, gearing up for a long 7,000 mile trip, and enduring a long separation from Ethan.

On the one hand, we look forward to being in Korea again. It’s only been 20 months since we were there last so the memories are still pretty vivid (reviewing the blog posts helps jog our memories, too). And we’re excited about being there in a season other than winter (last time, we were there in February and it was extremely cold!). Current high temperatures in Seoul are in the low 70s!

The hardest part of this adventure is that we won’t get to experience it with Ethan, especially since our final day and a half there was also our first hours with Ethan.

On the other hand, we also realize that our time in Korea (although we don’t know exactly how much of our time there we’ll actually be with the baby), as well as our long trip home, will be the only time we have devoted to the new baby. When we arrive home, there will be four of us adjusting to a new life together!

That reminds us that the next few days will the last few days that there’s just the three of us! Because of that, we want to make the most of our time together with Ethan in the next few days. That will be a real challenge as we work to complete lots of last-minute details!

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