Our Travel Plans

Our travel plans are coming together. We’ve booked our flight for next week and are in the process of securing a place to stay. Then we’ll work on planning some things to do while we’re there.

Yesterday, we made our travel arrangements through Korean Air. We will fly to Korea Monday from Dulles (Washington D.C.) and return Saturday.

Last time around, we flew with Northwest Airlines. The nice thing about Northwest is that they offer an adoption rate, but the bad thing is that the trip to Korea normally includes two stops/layovers, which dramatically increases the length of the trip. In 2008, it took us 30 hours from the time we left home till the time we arrived in our room in Seoul (including some delays finding the guest house).

If we were flying Northwest this time, we’d probably fly out of Pittsburgh, which is about a 3-hour drive. Instead, we’ll drive about 4 hours to Dulles and hop on a non-stop flight to Seoul. It’ll still be a long flight (14 hours or so), but we’ll skip the layovers and connecting flights.

With the length of the trip, plus the fact that Korea is 12 hours ahead of us, we’re scheduled to arrive in Seoul just before 5:00 pm Korea time, Tuesday. That gives us four nights in Korea before returning home with our new baby Saturday morning. Incidentally, with the time zone difference, we’ll fly out 10:40 am Saturday (Korea time) and land at 11:00 am Saturday (Eastern Time) in D.C. That sounds good, anyway. 🙂

My next post will offer more details on what our time in Korea might look like. I’ll also include some specific prayer requests as we prepare to travel to Korea.

In the meantime, thanks for your prayers!

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