Halloween 2010

Trick-or-treaters hit the streets Thursday evening in Clearfield (October 28, 2010). Last year, we had just brought Sarah home but still took Ethan to a few homes. This year, we bundled up the kids, loaded them into the stroller, and took them to some homes of church families within walking distance.

The kids don’t normally eat too much sugar/sweets, but we relaxed the rules a bit for Halloween (it was hard to keep track of Ethan’s intake). It didn’t impact Ethan’s sleep at all, but after going to sleep initially, Sarah got awake. She cried a while in her crib before we got her up. She was wired for a while before going back to bed sometime after midnight. I took several photos as a reminder of what a little sugar does to Sarah (also reminds us how grateful we are that both kids sleep extremely well most of the time!) …

1 thought on “Halloween 2010”

  1. Seeing Sarah with the vacuum after her bedtime makes me hope she doesn’t grow up to be like me. I used to really get in the mood to clean my room well after my parents were already in bed. My bedroom was above theirs and many times they would here be tramping above them often moving furniture as I decided to rearrange it. They never complained though–I think they were so glad that I was actually cleaning!


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