A while back, I put together my list of the 15 Books That Have Shaped Me as a Leader. I’m finally getting around to blogging about An Unstoppable Force by Erwin McManus.
There were a couple books by McManus on my list of 15. The other one is The Barbarian Way, which I have written about.
It’s been a while since I’ve read this book, but here are some of my favorite quotes, among many highlighted ones …
The church cannot live when the heartbeat of God is not beating within her. God’s heartbeat is to seek and save that which is lost. The church exists to serve as the body of Christ, and it is through this commitment to serve that we are forced to engage our culture. (23)
Following Jesus is a dangerous undertaking. … Only dead men [and women] can follow the God of the Cross. (33)
While we must always endeavor to be relevant to the culture in which we live, we must also remember that we are strangers, out of town guests, in this world. We are to pitch tents, not to build cathedrals. The church must always be ready to move. But sometimes we choose to build monuments rather than create movement. (64)
It is significant that the history of the first century church is called the book of Acts, not the book of Truths. (72)
Transformation is just another word for change. If you don’t like change, you’d better not become a Christian. Once you belong to Jesus, change is inevitable. Our whole Christian experience is an experience in change. It is an experience of putting off the old and putting on the new. It is an experience of no longer being conformed to the pattern of this world but being transformed by the renewing of our minds. (81)
When the church refuses to change, she refuses to obey. (89)
There is perhaps no better description of a leader than one who creates and shapes culture. (133)
The church is on mission. Every disciple is a missionary. (166)
The most dangerous place is where a leader is seeking to transition a congregation from institution to movement. Transforming a culture is a fragile and volatile undertaking. (186)
It’s dangerous, but it’s the call of Jesus-following leaders today!