Blogging in Korea 2.0

We plan to blog in Korea like we did last time. We will have a computer in our room at the SWS Guest House where we’ll be staying (which will save us lugging a laptop, especially important for the return trip!), so should be able to blog while we’re there.

Blogging in Korea was one of the real highlights of the first trip. Seven thousand miles from home for more than a week, the blog was a tremendous point of contact for us. In all, we wrote 20 posts which included 30 photos while we were in Korea in February 2008. And we received 72 comments on those posts.

Because we were in a time zone 13 hours different from our home time zone, we checked the blog when we got up each morning for comments that were posted overnight. (By the way, the dates on our posts will be published in Eastern Daylight Time, not Korea time.)

To post a comment, click on the “Comments” link at the bottom of each individual post (if you’re not already on an individual post’s page) and simply fill out the form at the bottom, including your name and email address (and a website address, if you have one), as well as your comment in the text box. (Last time, I didn’t think to provide instructions until we got home 🙂 ).

I think it was while we were in Korea the first time that we started posting more photos on the blog. So, who knows, while we’ll be there about half as long, we may write less, but we may post more photos this time. (This was one of the reasons I researched online image editors awhile back — to optimize photos for the Web, especially from a public computer, for faster page-loading.)

Anyway, we invite you to take this adventure with us!

1 thought on “Blogging in Korea 2.0”

  1. Randy & Joleen,

    I have printed your travel schedule and prayer requests and am posting it on our refrigerator. Tom and I will keep your family in our prayers. This is such exciting news. Thanks for including us in the adventure.
    Blessings, Amy


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