Grace and peace to all of you! (1 Thessalonians 1:1, CEB)
What a crazy time to be in transition, but by God’s grace and power, we will get through this time together!
I enjoyed my first Sunday at Wehnwood on July 5, and I look forward to getting to know everyone in the weeks and months ahead. Certainly the pandemic will make this harder, but we will do our best!
On Sunday, I started a sermon series called “When the Going Gets Tough.” The first sermon was “The Tough Turn to God!” It was a good place to start; that’s always the first place we should turn!
I did share about one of my tough times—a severe stroke in Sep. 2017 where I immediately lost my whole right side and my speech. I’m sure I will share more bits & pieces—not because I’m fixated on it or that I want to, but because that’s the experience I’m living out of.
One funny tidbit about me: at HealthSouth Altoona, a therapist described me as “fiercely independent.” Staff quickly learned to ask before helping with things like dressing or opening food containers. (Of course, we all need each other from time to time.)
The main thing I always want to communicate—even before the stroke—is that I am a work in progress! Aren’t we all? I look forward to seeing what God will continue to do in each of us individually, and in all of us together, as a community of faith!