Seeing Red

ProposalEditWe got our proposal edits back; now we must make lots of corrections!

Last week we received our proposal drafts back from the editor at Asbury. Even though our mentor describes our work as “clean” (in terms of writing, grammar, etc.), there is still a lot of red! (Thanks, Judy! šŸ˜€ ).

The red marks mean we have a lot of corrections to make. We have about two weeks to make the corrections before mailing three copies to our committees (which includes a representative from the D.Min. office, our mentor, and our second readers) in preparation for our upcoming proposal hearings.

While making all the corrections will be a lot of work, we have been looking forward to the feedback. On the left, you can see the first page of Randy’s draft for an example of what our first edit looks like. Most every page looks similar to this one.

Technically, students receive four edits during the dissertation-writing process. We skipped our first edit because we already had a mentor and he requested that we send our initial drafts to him instead. Our next edits will be our defense-ready drafts toward the end of the journey which will leave one final edit at the end of the process, after we have made all of the revisions and corrections that have been recommended by our committees and the editor. Read more about our dissertation timeline here.

There is a light at the end of the tunnel!

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