Lodging & Itinerary

As I posted earlier, we’ll spend four nights in Korea when we fly out Monday. We are in he process of making reservations to stay at the SWS Guest House again this time, hopefully in one of the family units that includes a computer (which should allow us to blog from Korea this time, too).

The guest house is fairly reasonably priced (and conveniently located near the SWS hospital/offices where we’ll pick up the baby). The big hotel around the corner is the Renaissance Hotel which is really nice AND very expensive (about $295/night USD). If for some reason a room at the guest house is not available, we’ll look for a hotel nearby, but probably not at the Renaissance! 🙂

We’re a little disappointed that our time in Korea this time will be dramatically shorter (4 nights compared to 8 before), but if you’ve read my recent post on mixed emotions, you’ll understand that we don’t want to be away from Ethan any longer than we have to.

In fact, this trip is about as short as it can be. We’re required to be in Korea at least three business days (and actually, now that I think about it, with the Lunar New Year holidays last time, we were there three full business days plus four holiday/weekend days).

We still need to do some planning, but our week may look something like this (and depending on SWS’s plans) …

  • Monday (Eastern Time) — Fly out of Dulles.
  • Tuesday (Korea Time) — Arrive in Seoul, Korea.
  • Wednesday — Meet the baby and spend an hour with her in her foster home. We should have the rest of the day to ourselves.
  • Thursday — We may have the whole day to do whatever we want.
  • Friday — We may have most of Friday free as well, but may very well pick up our baby Friday afternoon in preparation for our return trip Saturday morning.
  • Saturday (Korea Time) — Fly out of Seoul.
  • Saturday (Eastern Time) — Arrive at home.

Of course, we’ll have our camera with us again. I should be over my fascination with car mirrors (unless there are cool new ones!). And, hopefully, our batteries don’t die in the middle of our visit to the foster family’s home like they did last time (although we always have fresh back-ups ready to go)!

Well, in my next post later today, I’ll offer some specific prayer requests. For now, thanks for your prayers, and for “traveling” with us!

2 thoughts on “Lodging & Itinerary”

  1. As some who has adopted two sons from here in the states and as a fellow UM pastor, I am very happy for your family. Prayers are going up for your travel, saftey, and ever growing family. God bless.


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