The Church needs provision for the vision!
I’m nearing the end of a series of posts, offering prayers for the Church on different topics (see links below). I invite you to pray with me for the Church for the sake of the world God loves so much!
God has given the Church its mission–to make disciples of Jesus Christ. And, thankfully, God provides the resources the Church needs to accomplish God’s mission!
O God, thank you for rescuing us, and for making us part of your rescue mission to save the world!
Your rescue mission to save the world is a huge undertaking, and it requires a lot of resources–people, gifts, and money. Thank you for your promise to provide the resources your Church needs to fulfill its God-given mission in the world!
Thank you for fully-devoted followers of Jesus who faithfully honor you with their finances, “lay up treasures in heaven,” and invest in what you are doing in the world!
Please pour out your richest blessings on the Church–through your Spirit and through the obedience of your people!
Empower and equip your Church to be good stewards of your resources. Give us wisdom so that we may utilize your gifts and resources in the most effective and fruitful ways possible!
Help us to truly be people of faith. Instead of asking what can we afford, help us to ask what are you calling us to do. And then help us to follow your lead, trusting you to provide!
Most off all, help us to honor you in all we do! Amen.
(Previous prayers include: awakening, transformational leaders, urgency, hope, health, compassion, action, unity, power, favor, endurance, trust, discipline, courage, and vision.)