The Church needs to stay humble and hungry!
I’m in the midst of a long series, posting prayers for the Church (see links to previous prayers below). I’m not sure when this series will end, but in the meantime, I invite you to pray with me for the Church!
A couple of months ago, Mark Batterson, author of The Circle Maker, which I’ve blogged about (see the last post here), tweeted …
if you STAY HUMBLE and STAY HUNGRY there is nothing God cannot do in you and through you.
— Mark Batterson (@MarkBatterson) May 10, 2013
Shortly after that, I came across a similar statement in Jon Gordon’s book, Training Camp (which I’ll blog about soon!). Gordon also wrote a blog post: Humble and Hungry.
Ever since then, this phrase has been at the forefront of my prayers. It’s so critical that we stay humble and hungry!
One thing Michael Quicke said in the interview I wrote about yesterday is that one of the dangers in the church today is “self-importance.” He says …
It absolutely ruins churches. Whenever people get self-important, clearly they’re in great danger of missing the whole point of serving and glorifying him.
It’s something we must continually guard against. It’s one of the reasons Jesus constantly reminded his disciples to stay alert!
We must keep a right attitude–God is good, we’re undeserving; God is at work in our lives, doing something in us and through us; we get to be part of what God is doing in the world; and, it’s all for the glory of God!
The Apostle Paul wrote …
Therefore, so that I would not become arrogant, a thorn in the flesh was given to me, a messenger of Satan to trouble me—so that I would not become arrogant.
God will help us to stay humble, if necessary (it usually is). May God help us to stay humble and hungry!
O God, thank you so much for your love, mercy, and grace! Thank you for rescuing us, and for using us in your rescue mission to save the world!
You use us not because we are good or gifted, but because you are a great and mighty and merciful God. Please help us to always remember how desperate we are for your help and power in our lives and ministries!
Help us to stay humble, knowing that we need you and can do nothing of eternal significance apart from you. And, help us to stay hungry. Let us never settle for good enough, but help us to keep moving forward in our walk with you and in the mission you’ve given us for the world you love so much! Amen.
(Previous prayers include: awakening, transformational leaders, urgency, hope, health, compassion, action, unity, power, favor, endurance, trust, discipline, courage, vision, and provision).